How to use your CellAED® (Adult)

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Understanding the Use of CellAED®: Differences from Traditional AEDs

Key Differences in Using CellAED®

CellAED® presents some variations in use compared to traditional AEDs that experienced users should note.

Single Patient Use

CellAED® is designed for single patient use. It's capable of delivering multiple shocks but must be replaced after use in a single event.

Fully Automatic Operation

As a fully automatic defibrillator, CellAED® analyses heart rhythm and delivers a shock without the need for manual intervention.

Pad Placement

Pad placement with CellAED® differs slightly. Instead of placing the lateral pad under the armpit, position it in line with and below the left nipple.

Using CellAED® on Adults and Infants

There are specific steps for using CellAED® on adults and infants, which differ slightly.

General Procedure

Always call emergency services first. Start CPR if needed and prepare the patient's chest for CellAED® application.

Activation and Application

Activate CellAED® using the 'Snap Peel Stick™' method. For adults, place pads on the top right and bottom left sides of the chest, ensuring full contact.

Using on Infants

For infants under 10kg, place the pad with the blue button on the chest and the other on the back. Ignore the infant button prompt for patients over 10kg.

CellAED® Voice Instructions

Follow the voice instructions for heart rhythm analysis and CPR. Do not touch the patient during shock delivery.

Shock Delivery

If a shock is advised, stand clear and do not touch the patient. The device will indicate when a shock is delivered.

Continuing CPR

Continue with CPR following the metronome beep from CellAED®. Resume chest compressions in sync with the beeps.

Completing the Therapy Cycle

Continue following the voice instructions and providing CPR until emergency services arrive or it's unsafe to continue.


If the patient shows signs of recovery, place them in the recovery position and keep CellAED® attached until help arrives.


Understanding the unique features and operation of CellAED® is crucial for effective response in cardiac emergencies. Familiarise yourself with these differences for optimal preparedness.