When to use your CellAED®

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Effective Use of CellAED® in Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Identifying Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Sudden cardiac arrest is a critical condition where the heart stops pumping blood, leading to unconsciousness and abnormal breathing. If someone is unconscious and not breathing normally, CellAED® should be applied.

Initial Response Steps

Ensure the environment is safe before starting CPR or using CellAED®. If necessary, move the patient away from water or conductive surfaces. Check responsiveness by loudly calling their name or shaking them gently, and then check for normal breathing.

Calling for Help

If alone, call emergency services immediately and start chest compression CPR. If others are nearby, ask them to call for help and bring the CellAED®.

Performing CPR

For CPR, place hands on the centre of the chest and compress by two inches at a rate of 100 to 120 compressions per minute. Alternate 30 compressions with 2 rescue breaths.

Using CellAED®

Once CellAED® is available, prepare it for use. Remove any clothing from the patient’s chest, including undergarments and jewellery. Ensure the chest is clean and dry for the electrode gel pads to adhere properly.

Application of CellAED®

Remove any medical equipment not marked as defib-proof. If necessary, shave excessive chest hair quickly. Attach the electrode pads to the bare chest as instructed by CellAED®.

CellAED® Instructions

Follow the vocal instructions from CellAED® for correct pad placement. Continue to adhere to its guidance throughout the process.


Quick and correct action during a sudden cardiac arrest, including the use of CellAED®, can save lives. Always prioritise patient safety and follow emergency procedures accurately.