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Understanding and Responding to Fainting Episodes

Fainting can occur for various reasons and at different times. People may faint due to several triggers or causes, including hunger, overexertion, stress, or standing up too quickly. Fainting occurs when there's insufficient oxygen-rich blood in the brain.

Why Fainting Happens

When someone feels dizzy or lightheaded due to a lack of oxygen, their brain may force them to lay down to increase blood flow. This action can result in fainting and falling to the floor. Ideally, the person won't sustain any injuries in the process.

Assessing and Assisting a Fainted Person

When approaching someone who has fainted, follow these steps:

  1. Check if they regain consciousness quickly after hitting the ground.
  2. Keep them laying on the floor to ensure adequate blood flow to the brain.
  3. Elevate their legs using a cushion or another object, raising them 15-30 centimetres (6-12 inches) to drain blood from the legs to the main part of the body.

When to Call Emergency Services

Use your judgment to determine whether you need to call emergency services. If the person feels better, you can help them sit up. However, if they continue to feel dizzy, lay them down again with elevated legs and call for help.

Seeking Medical Help for Recurrent Fainting

If someone experiences regular fainting episodes, they should consult their doctor. The cause may be simple, such as incorrect medication or another issue that can be resolved with medical intervention.