How and when to call the Medical professionals

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How and When to Call Emergency Medical Services

How to Call Emergency Medical Services

Using your landline or mobile phone, you can dial 999 or 112 for emergency assistance. The number 112 is the European-wide emergency number, while 999 is typically used in the UK. In the United States, the emergency number is 999. It's a good idea to know the emergency number of the country you're visiting if you're on holiday.

When dialling 999 on a UK-based mobile, it often activates the local emergency services wherever you are in the world. However, this is not always the case, so it's essential to know the local emergency number when travelling.

Calling Emergency Services at Home

After dialling 999, you will be asked which service you require, and you should request an ambulance. Be prepared to answer a series of questions, such as:

  • What has happened?
  • Any visible conditions or symptoms?
  • Your exact location (home address, What3Words, nearby landmarks, etc.)

The operator may also need additional information, such as your name, phone number, and updates on the situation. If the situation changes, you can dial 999 again to provide updated information or inquire about the ambulance's arrival time.

Calling Emergency Services in Remote Areas

In remote areas, you may need to use satellite phones or radios to communicate with emergency services. When dialling from a mobile phone, the device will automatically connect to the strongest signal available, even if it's not your primary network.

When to Call Emergency Medical Services

The decision to call emergency services depends on the severity and nature of the injury. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Cardiac arrest: Immediately call for an ambulance while performing CPR.
  • Cuts or bleeding: Stabilize the wound, stop the bleeding, and then call for help.
  • Unconsciousness or collapse: Determine the cause, administer first aid (such as the recovery position), and call for assistance if necessary.

For more information on calling emergency services and when to call them, stay tuned for future videos.